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Gitanmaax Health and Wellness Centre
The practice of Gitxsan culture is directly tied to our quality of life, our vitality and the health of Gitanmaax members and the Gitxsan Nation as a whole. In support of building a strong community, the Gitanmaax Health and Wellness Centre will encourage wellness, develop and deliver programs and services that contribute to well-being, and inspire and empower members to take responsibility for their own health.
- Gitanmaax Health and Wellness Mandate
Request for Proposal
The Gitanmaax Band Council and Gitanmaax Health and Wellness Centre is seeking proposals to undertake a feasibility study for a Land-Based Healing Treatment Centre. This Request for Proposal (RFP) is not to be construed as an offer, contract, or commitment of any kind, nor does it commit the Gitanmaax Band Council and/or Gitanmaax Health and Wellness Centre to pay any costs incurred by the proposer in preparation of its submission.
- Gitanmaax Health and Wellness Centre
All proposals should be directed to Dianne Shanoss.
Submittals must be presented no later than 4:00pm on January 31st, 2022.
Proposals recieved after the deadline will NOT be considered. Gitanmaax Band Council will NOT Be responsible for misdirected proposals.

The Gitanmaax Health and Wellness Centre is proud to bring many different services to our Gitanmaax Members.
We are committed to openness, inclusiveness, transparency and collaboration. We practice the highest standards of ethical conduct in our decision-making and service delivery.
We serve as health and wellness resources for Gitanmaax members and foster a cultural atmosphere that supports and respects healthy lifestyle choices.
Healthy Child Development
To improve health outcomes associated with First Nations maternal, infant, child and family health.
Healthy Living
To promote healthy life choices using a community development and population health framework.
Environmental Health
The Gitanmaax Band Operations & Maintenance Department manages and delivers the drinking Water Safety Program.
Mental Wellness
To achieve and maintain mental wellness in ways that respect customs, values and beliefs.
Home and Community Care
To support the health and well-being of members, their families and the Gitanmaax community.
Medical Transportation and Dental Care Benefits
The Gitxsan Heath Health Society continues to manage and deliver the Supplementary Health Benefits Program in Gitanmaax.